Biographical Information:
Before taking on the role of Special Education Coordinator Ms. Henshaw has been an advisor, Special Education and Math Enrichment Teacher here at Taos Academy. She originally moved to Taos with her daughter to teach at TISA. She has taught in the UK, NC, MA and VA. Ms. Henshaw has taught in both regular education and special education schools. She has taught all core subject areas and several electives (drama, newspaper, animal care, student government, NJHS). She has taught mainly at the Middle School and High School level. She was brought up with a creative arts background and spent half of her life overseas in the UK and Germany, Her parents were a graphic artist and the Music and Theatre Director for the US Army. She enjoys traveling and bringing the arts into her curriculum. She has presented workshops on Multiple Intelligences and Student Engagement. She loves being part of the Taos Academy Family. She is always here to help. Feel free to drop her a line with any education questions you may have.