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Voice Recognition
Phone: 575-751-3109 | Fax: 575-751-3394
110 Paseo del Cañon West Taos, NM 87571

Enrollment Policy

Enrollment Policy and Procedures

Gear with Protractor
Taos Academy sets forth the following policies. In accordance with the Charter School Act, any student, regardless of where he/she resides in New Mexico, may attend Taos Academy. Taos Academy’s enrollment policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, or need for special education services. These policies are necessary in the event that enrollment interest exceeds the enrollment capacity. If it is the intent of the parents to enroll their student, the parent must submit an "Intent to Enroll Form" during our enrollment period for each student. Any student not selected from the lottery with a submitted "Intent to Enroll Form" will be placed on a waiting list.

As per NMSA Section 22-8B-4.1 NMSA 1978 enrollment and the lottery will be governed by the following rules:

(1) a start-up school may either enroll students on a first-come, first-served basis or through a lottery selection process if the total number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available at the start-up school; and

Taos Academy gives enrollment preference to:  

(1) students who have been admitted to the charter school through an appropriate admission process and remain in attendance through subsequent grades; and  
(2) siblings of students already admitted to or attending the same charter school.
(3) Children of current staff members

Enrollment Procedures/Letter of Intent/Lottery

If a parent or guardian (collectively referred to as “Parent”) wants to enroll a student, the parent must submit an electronic "Intent to Enroll Form" for each student. A complete and timely "Intent to Enroll Form" is required to ensure that the student will be included in the lottery process. A lottery is required when the number of students wanting to enroll exceed the number of seats available at the school.

If you would like to enroll a student, please complete and submit the "Intent to Enroll Form". The "Intent to Enroll Form" initiates the enrollment process and enters the child into the lottery. Your Form will be assigned a number that will be used for lottery purposes. The "Intent to Enroll Form"  deadline and date of the lottery will be set and approved by the Governing Council. To receive help completing or submitting the "Intent to Enroll Form" or to schedule a school visit, please contact a Taos Academy representative at 575-751-3109.

Lottery Procedures

Once received by our office, a number will be assigned to each intent letter followed by grade level. On the approved lottery date, numbers are drawn at random, one at a time, until all available slots are filled. The random drawing continues and a grade level waiting list will be generated based on the order in which they were drawn. Lottery numbers are directly correlated to the numbers on the "Intent to Enroll Form". Lottery applicants will be notified in writing or by phone regarding their placement as a result of the lottery process, either admitted, or on waiting list. A student may apply for one slot only. A student must apply using his/her legal name. Using an alias could result in disqualification from the lottery. Siblings and children of staff members receive priority and will be placed at the top of the waiting list.

Waiting List Procedures

Students who are not selected through the lottery and have submitted a "Intent to Enroll Form" will be placed on a waiting list. As openings become available, the top of the waiting list will be notified of the opening by email and phone. The parent will be given ten (10) business days to accept the student’s position, complete the enrollment packet and attend a mandatory on campus orientation. If the parent does not respond within ten (10) business days, the slot will be offered to the next student on the waiting list and so on. If a student is on the waiting list and he/she declines a slot when offered, he/she will be removed and be required to submit another "Intent to Enroll Form" and follow in the process described above.

Taos Academy will open the enrollment and lottery each year in the spring for a limited period that will be advertised publicly and on our site. Waiting lists do not transfer from year to year. On the last school day of the school year, the waiting lists for that school year will be voided. 


Gear with Brain
Due to the nature of the hybrid model of instruction, we ask that students only withdraw from Taos Academy at semester intervals. If this is unavoidable please give us ample notice of withdrawal.
Upon terminating enrollment at Taos Academy Charter School, for any reason, please follow this procedure.
1.    Inform your instructional advisor and the office of your leaving with as much notice as possible, preferably a minimum of thirty days notice.
2.    Complete and return the withdrawal form to the office.
3.    Schedule a final conference with the director and instructional advisor.

NOTE: If a withdrawn student chooses to re-enroll, a new "Intent to Enroll Form" is required and the student will be placed into the lottery.
Students not in attendance for 20 consecutive days will voluntarily relinquish lottery position unless arrangements have been made with the Director prior to the absence. See attendance policy for more detail.