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Voice Recognition
Phone: 575-751-3109 | Fax: 575-751-3394
110 Paseo del Cañon West Taos, NM 87571

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Before joining the school, folks tend to have a good number of questions about how Taos Academy does what it does. We operate differently than a traditional public school, and we like to think it has something to do with the way we co-operate. Please read our FAQ listings to find some insight and answers to questions that you might have, check the student handbook, then contact us.

Who does Taos Academy serve?

Taos Academy provides a free public educational choice to students of all ability levels and educational needs from grades five through twelve. Taos Academy will began offering classes in the Fall of 2009 with an enrollment of 70 students. By increasing enrollment by approximately 30 students per year for the first five years, we project a total student enrollment of 200 students by 2013. We will select students using a lottery system as prescribed by New Mexico state law.

What does Taos Academy seek to accomplish?

Taos Academy seeks to develop the skills needed for academic and social responsibility in every member of our learning community.  As a learning community, all stakeholders, including students, staff, and parents of Taos Academy will be committed to high academic achievement, development of leadership skills, and involvement in community outreach.

What is a "hybrid academy?"

Taos Academy provides a hybrid instructional model. Courses are taken online and in-class with face-to-face work with instructors, peers, and community members. Students are instructed in the use of a technology-based program and will have the option of receiving their courses at home and/or in our technology lab.

Is Taos Academy Accredited?

Yes, Taos Academy provides highly qualified New Mexico certified teachers for each subject in addition to transcripts and diplomas. Taos Academy is accredited through New Mexico Public Education Department.

What does Taos Academy provide for the community?

Taos Academy is providing grades 5-12 quality core and elective education courses via electronic means and on campus in our state-of-the-art technology labs.

What are "student-centered services" and Instructional Advisors?

Each student is evaluated to determine the appropriate level of the course for which the student should enroll. With the guidance of an assigned instructional advisor the student is then prescribed an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Individual progress is monitored on a weekly or bi-weekly basis as determined by the Instructional Advisor.

What are the attendance and exam expectations?

On campus attendance is determined by the need of the student with guidance from his/her instructional advisor. Taos Academy has a base schedule to ensure equal availability to all students yet has the flexibility to meet each student’s learning needs. Our base schedule brings our mid-high students 5th -8th into the lab from 8-4 on Monday and Wednesday. High school students attend Tuesday and Thursday from 8-4. Morning blocks are designated for academic instruction and the afternoon blocks are designated for elective offerings. All students are required to attend during state testing times.

Can my child participate in sports activities?

Taos Academy will not be offering sports programming at this time. Students may participate on sport teams offered through the Taos Municipal Schools with permission from TMS superintendent and coaches.

How involved do I need to be as a parent?

As educators, we have found that success is directly related to parental involvement. Your student has a better opportunity to succeed when you take part in the educational process. Taos Academy parents need to transport their child to the school when necessary, provide a nutritious lunch on the days their child comes to school, and regularly check-in on-line as to the progress their student is making and to check for school news on our website.  Access to internet service is a must.  Parents of our students have shared with us that they have learned a lot from the online platform. Every moment is a "teachable" moment. Additional opportunities for involvement are offered in advisory council, fund raising, field trip supervision, and school supported committees.

How do I enroll in Taos Academy?

Visit the Enroll Now page on this site and enter a “Intent to Enroll Form" to be entered into our lottery. Taos Academy will be selecting students from a lottery process. Watch for information about this process and dates for selection into the lottery.

What about lunch and transportation?

Taos Academy will not be providing a lunch or transportation program. Students will need to bring lunch if they are scheduled to be in the school for a full day. Parents and students need to arrange transportation to and from school according to student’s schedule.

What is required to attend?

Students must have access to a high speed internet connection and an up to date, operational computer at home. Parents must have access to email.

What are some recommendations for success?

Students need to be or approaching to be independent learners, preparing for post secondary education, within one grade level in reading ability, have basic computer skills, and looking for an environment where academic learning comes first.

What is the College Link Dual Credit Program (CLP) and the requirements to participate?

Students in grades 11 and 12 may take advantage of CLP allowing them to take college level classes for both HS and college credit simultaneously. These classes are aligned to the student's career goals and attempts to provide the student with credit hours at the college level prior to starting. The student is required to have a 2.5 overall GPA and not be in credit recovery.

What does a typical daily schedule look like?

Taos Academy Sample Daily Schedule

Monday – Mid high 5th -8th grade only
8:00-12:00 – Online Academic Classes /Academic Enrichment Classes
12:00-1:00 – Lunch
1:00-3:00 – 21st Century Learning
3:00-4:00 – Electives

Tuesday – High School 9th -12th grade Only
8:00-12:00 – Online Academic Classes /Academic Enrichment Classes
12:00-1:00 – Lunch
1:00-3:00 – 21st Century Learning
3:00-4:00 – Electives

Wednesday - Mid High 5th – 8th grade Only
8:00-12:00 – Online Academic Classes /Academic Enrichment Classes
12:00-1:00 – Lunch
1:00-3:00 – 21st Century Learning
3:00-4:00 – Electives

Thursday - High School 9th -12th grade Only
8:00-12:00 – Online Academic Classes /Academic Enrichment Classes
12:00-1:00 – Lunch
1:00-3:00 – 21st Century Learning
3:00-4:00 – Electives

Voices: A day in the Life of Taos Academy