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Voice Recognition
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110 Paseo del Cañon West Taos, NM 87571

Student Success Lab

Student Support Lab

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Our Student Support Lab (SSL) is a quiet environment designed to extend the classroom and ensure success for Taos Academy students, giving them more time with our Edgenuity online curriculum, as well as both structured and unstructured academic support from tutors and peers. The SSL Supervisor works directly with students to develop their weekly learning goals, sharpen their time management skills support their individual learning journey.

•    SSL is voluntary for those who are making progress in their coursework and maintain high marks.
•    SSL becomes mandatory for those on a Student Success Contract. Students who are not making progress are required to attend the Student Support Lab on the days that they are not scheduled to attend school.
•    For Middle School, hours for the Student Support Lab are from 8-12, Tuesday and Thursday.
•    For High School, hours are from 8-12, Monday and Wednesday.
•    Math Lab, hours from 8-12 Friday also available to all students.

To further support our students in their academics, Taos Academy has implemented a Student
Success Programming Plan. The process begins when a student falls behind their pacing calendar in
any subject. The Academic Advisor will use verbal encouragement to catch up and strongly suggest
attending the HS Student Success Lab or the Mid School Plus Program on non-scheduled school
days from 8 am - 12 noon or on Fridays from 8 am - 12 noon.
When the student falls below 70% actual grade in any class, the student and parent are given a
written Warning for lack of progress. If the student does not meet their target calendar schedules
in every class within 1 week or continues to fall behind, an Academic Absence is recorded.
If the student continues to stay behind in work such that they accrue 2 Unexcused Academic
Absences in a row, the student, family, and adviser will meet to develop a Student Success Contract
to help the student get back on track and provide more structured time in their digital curriculum.
Students on contract are required to attend the Taos Academy Student Success Lab on non-school
days Monday through Thursday 8:00 -12:00 for a period of 30 days. Academic absences do not
accrue during this catch-up period. Appropriate placement may be discussed with parents, student,
advisor and Director if the student continues to struggle.
The Student Success Lab and Mid Plus Program are designed to be quiet, focused and productive
learning environments. Disruption will not be tolerated. Parents will be called to pick students up if
they are disrupting the learning environment. Continued disruption of the lab will result in loss of
the privilege to attend these support settings and enrichment activities.